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Candle Snuffer and Wick Trimmer Set


Candle Snuffer and Wick Trimmer Set


Trimmer - A wick that is too long will cause excess smoke and sooting, plus excess wick debris to collect at the top of the wick, not fun and not safe. An untrimmed wick can also cause the candle to burn too hot, which can affect the fragrance and cause your candle to burn up faster than necessary

Wick trimmer is angled, with a flat cutting surface for easy use | 6.5" length

Snuffer - Candles smell great, but that smoke after you blow them out...not so great. Blowing out candles without any tool can cause excess smoke, a strong burnt aroma, plus can cause hot wax to blow out of the vessel and onto your wall or candle surface.

Candle Snuffer has a modern, straight design | 6.5" length 

 Made in United States of America

Brushed Gold